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»»» Taste your words first before you spit them out
Friday, May 24, 2013, 7:28 PM 4 comment/s

Ugh ! I really hate those people who doesn't think before they speak. The annoyance you go through when someone just speaks about everything without even thinking about it. Some things we say may be meant as a joke, but to someone else it isn't funny at all! In this world today, some things cannot be taken as a joke and should not be said in such a fashion. I sometimes forget to think before I speak, I don’t try to hurt anyone purposely but only after I've said it, I realized it wasn't something I should of said. I encourage everyone to think about what you say because it can never be taken back.

Enough with my drama, let's talk about kpop. Yeah I'm also a kpop fanatic and my bias is SHINee :) I've heard Jonghyun had a car accident and he had a nose surgery because of it. Thanks to Aera for this information. And now finally Jonghyun is back with a new hair color. He dyed his hair white. Here is his picture . For me it doesn't suit him, he is more handsome with a brown hair and key suits the white color. Huhuhu. SMEnt! wae did you choose that color ? >o<

And for Anime. I'm still waiting patiently for the next episode 176 of Fairytail. Hiru Mashima said (the creator of it) that "it's actually not over yet. I can't say more than this, but I hope you watch the rerun starting in April and wait for the day I can announce some good news. Anime is not the end. Don't stop believing." So while wating, my attention now is on Shingeki No Kyojin. I'm watching the anime and reading the manga also. It's a new anime and I assure you that it will not disappoint you. It's so epic \o/
